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4 reasons why PR is essential for small businesses and startups


PR is typically seen as a service that is exclusively for large corporations with big budgets. Agencies come at a premium, charging fees that can be eye-watering and an unrealistic investment for a small business or startup. The Comms Bar was set up to bridge that gap – providing PR services to businesses that aren’t ready for an agency but want to shout about their brand, get noticed and ultimately increase sales.

If you’re stuck in a marketing rut and need to get your business seen & heard, here are 4 reasons why PR may just be for you!

1. Free publicity

Many people dream of being in top publications but with the soaring costs of advertising, it’s not always feasible. PR is an effective way of getting free publicity for your business. By working directly with journalists, you can provide them with quality editorial that adds value to their work. This doesn’t always come easy, and requires a deep understanding of the publication’s audience, the journalist’s area of expertise, and how to craft a story that will fly – as well as just perfect timing on your approach!

2. Builds trust

Having a third party verify your business helps significantly to build trust. While you can buy your way into advertising, you cannot buy a good review, interview or editorial from a journalist. Having this on your side will be an asset that just keeps on giving. Once online, articles will appear on google search results for years to come, continuously giving your business visibility and trust.

3. Prevents problems

‘It can take 20 years to build a good reputation, and only 30 seconds to destroy it’. Bad customer experiences can make or break a business. A PR strategy can keep you on top of bad publicity and mitigate it. It can also prepare your business for how to address a negative situation and manage your reputation.

4. Supports your SEO

Digital PR is a great way of building quality backlinks to your website. This is especially important for e-commerce brands to drive traffic to their site. With more titles featuring your product – be that media, blogs or content creators – the more eyeballs will land on your business. Hooray.

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