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The changing face of UK Nationals


It’s no surprise that more of us are consuming media online. But where does this leave the future of the UK’s national daily newspapers?

When I first started in PR, the holy grail of print coverage was to get in The Sun – Britain’s highest-circulating newspaper at the time, a record it kept consistently from the year 2000 until around 2019.

In 2000 – the year that bought Y2K, Brad & Jen, Destiny’s Child and the Nokia 3310 – The Sun ruled supreme, followed by Daily Mail, Daily Mirror and Daily Express.

Fast forward to 2021 and the top-ranking daily newspapers have shifted, with the latest figures from ABC Records showing Metro is now the most read paper, followed by Daily Mail, Evening Standard and Daily Mirror.

Daily newspaper readership numbers within that period plummeted, but what is interesting is the shift between which newspapers we’re reading. Metro’s numbers rocketed in recent years as they expanded distribution and officially became the most read newspaper in the UK, while paid-for newspapers took a hit.

Is it worth landing coverage in print if the reach is comparably low compared to online titles? I would still argue yes (for now), for the following reasons.

While numbers are lower, readers’ attention is more focused. Online news is busy – we are bombarded with news stories, ads, gossip columns and meanwhile, our thumb automatically speeds through stories at warp speed. If someone buys a newspaper, they generally take more time reading and absorbing the information.

It can convert to other leads. We’ve seen first hand how a story in a national paper can have a knock on effect into business enquiries, partnership opportunities and further interview offerings. This is particularly true to broadcast media, who read the daily newspapers to inform their upcoming programmes.

It is still possible to benefit from SEO. More often than not, if your article is featured (and is wider than a 2×2 column inch) your story will also go online. A feature in a national could see your business shoot up in Google rankings, helping to convert business enquiries and establish your reputation. It also will naturally be shared on social media, bringing more people to your online pages.

*Source ABC Records

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